Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage has powerful cleansing, relaxing, pain relieving and immunological effects. In its manual form, it is a gentle, flowing, rhytmic massage. This type of massage is extremely gentle, feels wonderful and relaxing due to the slow, rhytmic motions involved.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is used primarily to promote the optimal functioning of the lymphatic vessels that lead the circulatory system. MNL techniques facilitate the removal of metabolic wastes, excess water, toxins, bacteria, large protein molecules and foreign substances from tissues.

It is effective in the treatment of a wide variety of problems such as: oedema, skin disorders, headache, sinus congestion, sprains and aches, digestive disorders, and before or after surgery to remove tissue congestion and minimize scar formation. 

Manual Lymphatic Drainage session lasts 30, 60 or 90minutes.