Other ingredients

Vitamin E – an extremely versatile oil with powerful anti-oxidant properties that are essential for the maintenance of healthy, youthful skin. Commonly used for dry, matured, damaged skin but can be used for many other skin issues. It supports new skin cell growth and speeds up cell regeneration.

Natural beeswax – is natural and non-toxic, provides benefits to the skin and to various types of formulas. It’s a “thickening agent,” for instance, which means that it can help thicken creams to make them easier to use and more spreadable on the skin. When applied to the skin, beeswax forms a protective barrier that helps protect it from environmental assaults, while also holding in moisture and reducing dryness.

Zinc oxide – is a mineral, using topically on skin helps treat diaper rash, minor burns, severely chapped skin, or other minor skin irritations. zinc oxide protects against UVA and UVB light rays and is often used as a natural, non-toxic sunscreen to prevent burns, signs of photo-aging and irritation.

Collagen (soluble collagen) – like elastin is one of skin’s primary proteins. This is what gives skin structure and firmness, which can begin to decrease as you age and collagen begins to break down. Soluble Collagen in topical creams typically comes from marine or bovine sources. Collagen smooths and softens skin, giving it a healthier, more youthful texture.
Thanks to the film-forming properties, a collagen film is created on the skin’s surface – protecting against adverse environmental influences. The resulting protective layer maintains an adequate level of hydration, effectively smoothes the skin – gives it a velvet feel.

Vitamin A palmitate (or retinyl palmitate) – when used on skin, your skin’s natural enzymes convert retinyl palmitate to retinol, which is a powerful anti-aging ingredient that treats wrinkles by encouraging the growth of new skin cells. Retinyl Palmitate is an ingredient that will help improve skin tone. It rejuvenates the skin, firms, brightens and regenerates the epidermis. With prolonged use, it firms the dermis, strengthens collagen fibers and restores elasticity to the skin.

Aloe vera gel (aloe barbadensis) – an excellent healing gel containing Organic Whole Leaf Aloe Vera, well known for its pain relieving, antiseptic and healing properties.
Aloe vera gel is a very important component of creams, tonics, lotions, masks etc. Penetrates skin deeply along with other active substances contained in cosmetics. It regenerates and firms the skin, soothes irritations, indicated for dry, acne-prone skin and skin with dermatological problems.